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DSM Legal Solicitors was instructed by Birchwood Community High School at the Inquest into the death of Brianna Ghey.

DSM Legal Solicitors was instructed by Birchwood Community High School at the Inquest into the death of Brianna Ghey. Counsel Ms Elizabeth-Dudley Jones of Deans Court Chambers was briefed by DSM Legal to represent the School at the Inquest. After a three day hearing in which the Senior Coroner of Cheshire reviewed all the evidence,…


Understanding and Preventing Workplace Sexual Harassment: Legal Insights and Employer Strategies

A complaint of sexual harassment against one employee by another employee can be alarming for an employer as well as time-consuming to deal with, especially if you do not have an in-house HR department. With or without HR assistance sexual harassment allegations must be taken seriously.  Unfortunately, sexual harassment is a significant problem in the…