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Forklift Truck Accident Claims


Forklift Truck Accident Claims

Forklift trucks operate in a number of different work environments including on building sites, in warehouses as well as locations like docks and storage facilities. They are a highly effective way of moving heavy goods and equipment from one place to another.

Because of their size and the loads they carry, the health and safety associated with operating a forklift truck is often a lot higher than with other vehicles. That includes operators having the right training to drive and load the truck as well as strict operational protocols where the vehicle can be used safely. For example, a warehouse may well have colour coded sections that trucks need to keep to.

In general, managers and operators have a huge responsibility when it comes to keeping everyone safe. Any accident involving a forklift truck is generally avoidable – if the right measures are put in place.

Forklift Truck Accident ClaimsAccording to the British Safety Council, 1,300 employees find themselves in hospital each year following forklift truck accidents. For traffic related injuries in the workplace, forklift truck accidents represent nearly a quarter of these. Injuries can vary from simple bumps and bruises to more life changing ones including amputations and major head injuries.

While forklift truck drivers are relatively well protected, it’s not the same case for pedestrians. That’s why the greater proportion of accident claims involve someone who was in or around the vicinity of a truck while it was in use.

This could happen because someone goes into an area where trucks are operating that they aren’t supposed to, perhaps because it is not clearly defined or signposted or they haven’t been trained in the appropriate safety procedures. A forklift truck might cause an accident because it doesn’t issue a warning alarm when reversing, something that could be down to poor maintenance. There is also the potential to be hit by falling loads because the forklift truck hasn’t been used properly.

There’s no doubt that any accident involving a forklift truck can be catastrophic for the person involved and can mean life changing injuries and even fatality. Those in charge of a location where these vehicles are being employed have a duty of care and a legal responsibility to ensure everything is done to make the area safe for people to work in.

If you have been involved in a forklift truck accident, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. There is a wide range of legislation in place to help protect people in the workplace including the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.

At DSM Legal, we have a lot of experience dealing with personal injury claims, including in the workplace. We operate a no win no fee service which means you don’t have to find money to fight your case and only pay when it is successfully settled in your favour. Getting good legal advice is important if you have been involved in any accident that wasn’t your fault.

While it might not be the first thing on your mind when you suffer from a forklift truck accident, the quicker you see a local solicitor the better. Our qualified team are on hand to give you all the legal advice and support you need right now. Contact us today to find out more.