Items Tagged lpa


Unlocking the Power of Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

In an ever-changing world, it’s crucial to plan ahead, especially when it comes to managing your affairs in the event of incapacity.   Physical or mental incapacity can happen to anybody at any time, whether because of an illness, such as a stroke, an accident or a condition, such as dementia. In the event that you…


Lasting Power of Attorney Advice Lasting Power of Attorney Advice

None of us like to think of a time when we are unable to make our own decisions. But a little preplanning and considering the potential of a lasting power of attorney will not only help you keep yourself and your assets safe but also make it much easier for loved ones to provide the…


Lasting Powers of Attorney Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney are legal documents that give authority to someone you have chosen to act as your attorney.  A Lasting Power of Attorney can be tailored to include decisions concerning your finances and property as well as your health and wellbeing needs for the future. For example, if you begin to suffer from…